Wong JA, Dang LH, Ngoc PT, Le T, Vu NC, Vu TD, James S, Katona P, Katona L, Rosen J. Total Amount: $15,000. Junior Amateur and it’s already shaping up to be an interesting week. Intimate partner violence among transwomen in Shanghai, China: Associations with sexual risk behaviors and HIV testing. 2018-present Graduate Affiliate Faculty (courtesy), Department of Psychology, College of Social Sciences, Ph.D., Social Psychology (major) and Management (minor), Texas A&M University, B.A. Frankie Nastro Recruiter at … Zucai Suo 38. Frankie Wong, Ph.D. (Nursing) presented in University of Florida’s virtual Our Community, Our Health (OCOH) town hall panel discussion, hosted by UF Health Street, entitled “The Future of HIV Treatments & Care.” Erik Hines, Ph.D. (Education) appeared on episode seven of the podcast “Thoughts From A Counselor.” Clinical Sciences. His NIH-funded research focuses on the social epidemiology of ATOD, HIV, and other non-HIV sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among these populations in the U.S., South Africa, China, Tajikistan, Viet Nam, and Russia. Jose Renato Pinto 32. Frankie Wong, PhD- Professor, Center for Translational Behavioral Science, FSU College of Nursing; Nicole Ennis, PhD- Associate Professor, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine, FSU College of Medicine; Lara Gadkowski, MD, MPH, MS- Associate Professor of Medicine, UF Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Medicine He also was appointed as an executive committee member of the United Faculty of Florida/FSU Chapter. Learn more . Frankie Wong, Ph.D. (Nursing) received a courtesy appointment to the Department of Population Health Science in the John D. Bower School of Population Health at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Task Force, College of Nursing. 2018-2020 Acting Associate Director, Center for Indigenous Nursing Research for Health Equity (INRHE), College of Nursing, Florida State University, Assisting the Director in all aspects of operation and research development as well as promoting the mission of the Center. We aim to move that needle forward. … CONTENTS 06. Secretary & Senator. Amanda Driscoll 29. Vice President & Senator. The short-term goals for this project are to evaluate the cumulative impact of psychological factors (symptoms of stress, depression, anxiety) (1) on DNAm, and (2) blood pressure by linking clinical, social, and omics data sets. Dr. Wong has expertise in community-based research targeting racial/ethnic and underserved populations with a history of or who are currently using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) and engaging in HIV-related risk practices. Designated vehicle exami nation centres . Date: 07/2020 - 6/2021. Dr. Wong has expertise in community-based research targeting racial/ethnic and underserved populations with a history of or who are currently using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) and engaging in HIV-related risk practices. Questions or Comments, Privacy Policy FACULTY ACHIEVEMENTS. Peer-reviewed Articles and Contributions (2017-present), https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=7kY-804AAAAJ&cstart=0&pagesize=20, Disparities for HV-related Hypertension in African-American and Asian/Pacific American MSM, © Florida State University nursing Learning community Applications are due April 5! ExpertNet 30. There are 32,400+ professionals named "Frankie", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. INSEAD & WHARTON Alliance, +1 more . Collectively, these two sets of work have informed others in the field how to conduct research with these hard-to-reach and hard-to-engage populations. Become a Leader! In times of uncertainty the guideposts for equitable health of a society needs to be based on scientific leadership coupled with vigorous research. Frankie Wong, PhD PROFESSOR. 2019 COLLEGE OF NURSING ANNUAL REPORT. Disparities for HIV-related Hypertension in African-American and Asian/ … President & Senator. [email protected] Resume / CV. Frank Y Wong Gay and bisexual men (GBM) in Tajikistan are an extremely stigmatised group at high risk for sexually transmitted infections and HIV. College of Nursing. Eugenia Millender Founding Associate Director Associate Professor . Department of Psychology | University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Google Sites. Geoffrey Adams College of Business. Effectiveness of an automated errors checking and feedback system to improve text message reporting for disease surveillance in Vietnam. View the profiles of professionals named "Frankie" on LinkedIn. University, FSU | Center for Translational Behavioral Science. Florida State University (FSU) seeks a new Dean of the College of Nursing to partner with the College’s faculty, staff, students, alumni, and other external stakeholders to lead the institution in its continued pursuit of excellence. Grace Ma, PhD. Frankie Wong Director Sales at Cognizant. Frankie Wong 27. Frankie Wong, PhD. Florida State Hon WU Chi-wai . Nursing.fsu.edu Email. Administration Laurie Grubbs Interim Dean and Professor Office: 472 Phone: 850.644.6844 Email:lgrubbs@fsu.edu Dr. Wong is one of the handful of behavioral and social sciences researchers who conduct NIH-funded research addressing the sexual health and substance use/abuse as well as other health disparities among AAPIs in the United States. Storylines are aplenty at … Get NFL, NBA, MLB, MLS, EPL, NCAA, WNBA, CFL and more sports picks: Home Page. Yanshuo Sun • • • • • • • Up Next: Robb Tomko. 08. 15. Questions or Comments, Privacy Policy His NIH-funded research (since 2001) focuses on the social epidemiology of ATOD, HIV, and other non-HIV sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among these populations in the U.S., South Africa, China, Tajikistan, Viet Nam, and Russia. Alva Striplin 31. Associations between social determinants of health, perceived discrimination, and body mass index on symptoms of depression among young African American mothers. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Center for Translational Behavorial Science2010 Levy Ave Building BSuite B0266Tallahassee, FL 32310, Main Phone: 850-644-2334Questions/Broken Links ctbscience@med.fsu.edu, © Florida State University Adolescent and Emerging Adult Health Equity Program ... Dr. Frank ("Frankie") Y. Wong. Vice President & Senator. Dr. Wong has expertise in community-based research targeting racial/ethnic and underserved populations with a history of or who are currently using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) and engaging in HIV-related risk practices. Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University. The two co-founders of this newly established Center are Dr. Frankie Wong and Dr. Eugenia Millender. Bowling Green University. College of Nursing, Psychology. In addition, he is one of the first Western investigators to examine HIV-related risks (including ATOD) among men who have sex with men in China, where they now have the highest incidence and prevalence of HIV and other non-HIV STIs such as syphilis. THE DAISY FACULTY AWARD The purpose of … Telemedicine and e-Health, Published Online: 14 Jul 2020. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2020.0065 3. Sociology. College of Nursing highlights for the 2019 - 2020 Academic Year. Tallahassee, FL 32306, FSU Directory Assistance Frankie Wong, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) Yanyun Yang, Ph.D. (College of Education) 17. Frankie Wong Founding Director McKenzie Endowed Professor in Health Equity Research. Treasurer . Frankie Wong. Tallahassee, FL 32306, FSU Directory Assistance Teresa Roach Sociology. Florida State (1), Robin Williams Georgia (2), Trent Phillips, Nicolas Cassidy Illinois (2), Adrien Dumont de Chassart, Tommy Kuhl Louisiana State (2), Garrett Barber, Michael Sanders North Carolina (1), Ryan Burnett Oklahoma (3), Logan McAllister, Patrick Welch, Turner Hosch Oklahoma State (1), Rayhan Thomas Pepperdine (2), Joe Highsmith, William Mouw SMU (1), Shuai Ming (Ben) Wong … Copyright, Overseeing a transdisciplinary research center promoting health equity. Role: Co-PI (PI: Eugenia Millender; Co-PIs: Zhe He, Tyra Dark, Michael Killian, John Lowe, Frankie Wong) Embedding-Based Knowledge Graphs for Critical Biomedical Applications. TRUCKEE, Calif. –– Just one round into the 66th U.S. Svetlana Pevnitskaya 36. View the profiles of professionals named "Frankie" on LinkedIn. MA GX, Tan Y, Lee M, Hanlon AL, Feng Z, Shireman TI, Rhee J, Wei Z, R01MD013501 (with an Impact Score of 20) Wong (Contact PI) 2018 to 2023, Identifying the Influence of Genetic and Social Epigenomic Factors on Long-term Comorbid Outcomes on Depression and Cardiovascular Disease, ; Health Data Science Institute, Office of Research, Florida State University: Co-I (PI: Eugenia Millender). 05 Faculty Updates 08 Faculty Achievements 10 Office of Nursing Research Marie Denis-Luque Research Administrator. 02 Dean’s Message. HIV and aging in mainland China: Implications for control and prevention research. THB (T) 202 . September 2020 Dr. Millender received the clinical research NIH Loan Repayment Program (LRPs) from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) for two years (2020-2022). We are always looking for the next wave of leaders. Krissy Capitano 33. View the profiles of professionals named "Frankie" on LinkedIn. 3 - District Traffic and Transport Services . 2630 . applications for renovation or provision of bus stop facilities (including renovation of bus shelters, provision of advertisement panels, seats, vending machines and Wi-Fi facilities, etc.) Frankie Wong - Florida State University College of Nursing. Anke Meyer-Baese 37. There are 33,500+ professionals named "Frankie", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. Help us keep UFF strong and active. The elected and appointed leaders of UFF-FSU. Cognizant, +2 more. University, ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATIVE LEADERSHIP APPOINTMENTS, 2020-present Founding Director, Center for Population Sciences and Health Equity, (C-PHSE) College of Nursing, Florida State University, 2018-2020 Acting Associate Director, Center for Indigenous Nursing Research for Health Equity (INRHE), College of Nursing, Florida State University, 2018-present Professor (tenured), College of Nursing, Florida State University, 2020-present Scientist-Educator (courtesy), Department of Population Health Science, John D. Bower School of Population Health, University of Mississippi Medical Center, 2020-present Professor (courtesy), Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine, College of Medicine, Florida State University, 2019-present Professor (courtesy), College of Social Work, Florida State, 2019-present Faculty Affiliate (courtesy), Center for Translational Behavioral Science, College of Medicine, Florida State University, 2018-present Graduate Affiliate Faculty (courtesy), Department of Psychology, College of Social Sciences, University of Hawaii at Mānoa, 2016-present Concurrent Professor (highest level of appointment for a non-Chinese national in recognition for contributions to the University), Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2015-present Adjunct Professor (courtesy), Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2020-present Member, Council of Associate Dean for Research, 2020-present Executive Committee Member, United Faculty of Florida/FSU Chapter, 2020 Member, Faculty Merger Committee (College of Nursing & College of Human Sciences), Florida State University, 2019-2020 Mentor, Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement, 2019-present Member, Institutional Review Board, Office of Research, 2019-present Member, International Advisory Committee, Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, 2019-present Member, Research Committee, College of Nursing, 2019-2020 Member, Search Committee for the Dean of Nursing, 2019-2020 Member, Working Group on 100&Change’s application (MacArthur Foundation), Office of Research, 2018-present Founder, Viet Nam Initiative (Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs), 2018-2020 Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Nursing, 2018-present Member, Ph.D. Professor and Associate Director, Center for Indigenous Nursing Research for Health Equity. PIs: Drs. College of Nursing Professor, Dr. Frankie Wong, will be presenting in University of Florida’s virtual Our Community, Our Health (OCOH) town hall panel discussion, hosted by UF Health Street, entitled "The Future of HIV Treatments & Care" on May 27 from 5:00PM – 6:00PM. There are 33,000+ professionals named "Frankie", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. 186 . Frankie Nastro. Jack Fiorito. The Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship. GRANTS: Wong F. Y. (Honours), Psychology, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Fellow, American Psychological Association, Concurrent Professor (highest level of appointment for a non-Chinese national in recognition for contributions to the University), Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Asian Pacific Americans in the United States and Affiliated Jurisdictions, Immigrants, Refugees, and Transient as well as Displaced People, Intersectionality of clinical and macrosocial determinants on physical, psychosocial, and mental health, Migration and Health (especially depression, HIV, other non-HIV sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis, substance misuse, and viral hepatitis), Sexual Health (including HIV and other non-HIV STIs such as syphilis), HIV Disease Progression and Management (e.g., hypertension), 2018-2020 Mentor, Grantwriting Unconvered: Maximizing Strategies, Help, Opportunities, Experiences (GUMSHOE) of the National Research Mentoring Network (University of Hawai, , Washington State University) funded by the National Institutes of Health. 888 Sports Picks by Frankie Wong. Hon WONG Ting-kwong 186 . Jenjira Yahirun, PhD. Michael Buchler Music. Florida State Center for Translational Behavorial Science 2010 Levy Ave Building B Suite B0266 Tallahassee, FL 32310. International, National, and Regional Committee and Boards: 2018-2020 Mentor, Grantwriting Unconvered: Maximizing Strategies, Help, Opportunities, Experiences (GUMSHOE) of the National Research Mentoring Network (University of Hawai I, Washington State University) funded by the National Institutes of Health, 2018-2020 Member, Scientific Community Leadership Council, The Indigenous Wellness Research Institute National Center of Excellence, School of Social Work, University of Washington funded by the National Institutes of Health, 2017-present Member, Steering Committee, Research Core J (Sociobehavioral and Prevention Research), Center for AIDS Research, University of Washington. fwong@fsu.edu Dr. Wong has expertise in community-based research targeting racial/ethnic and underserved populations with a history of or who are currently using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) and engaging in HIV-related risk practices. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This is a prestigious program established by Congress and designed to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals into biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. Hong Kong SAR. Copyright, Professor and Associate Director, Center for Indigenous Nursing Research for Health Equity, Center for Translational Behavioral Science, Adolescent and Emerging Adult Health Equity Program, Intervention Research Advancing Care Equity (iRACE). CV Frankie Wong 58.12 KB. Wong signed with the Dodgers and made his professional debut with the Arizona League Dodgers before being promoted to the Great Lakes Loons after one game; over 28 games, Wong hit .276 with five home runs and 18 RBIs. Eugenia Millender, PhD. 2. Dr. Wong is also known for his work in capacity building for research infrastructure. Search FSU; Navigation; Home; Programs . Florida State University. Carla Laroche, Clinical Professor, College of Law, Florida State University: Frankie Wong, Professor, College of Nursing, Florida State University: Michael Meth, Associate Dean, Research and Learning Services, Florida State University Libraries: The Institute for Justice Research and Development Website. Matthew Lata College of Music. Evolving HIV epidemiology in mainland China: 2009-2018. 2 - Licensing of Vehicles and Drivers . Richard Nowakowski 35. Professor Frankie Wong, a social psychologist who is the contact principal investigator for the research, will conduct a five-year study that aims to explain how a variety of determinants contribute to hypertension observed in racial/ethnic men who have sex with men diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Machelle Madsen Thompson 34. Program: FSU Health Big Data Science Pilot Project . (09/01/2018 - 03/31/2023). Wong JA, Dang LH, Ngoc PT, Le T, Vu NC, Vu TD, James S, Katona P, Katona L, Rosen J, Wong FY, Nguyen CK. Before returning to academia full-time in 2000, he spent 7 years of his professional career delivering social and health prevention services that targeted under-served and vulnerable populations such as immigrants and refugees (in Boston) and ex-offenders (in New York City). Eugenia Millender, Zhe He, Tyra Dark, Michael Killian, John Lowe & Frankie Wong. Florida State University . Sponsor: FSU Health Big Data Institute. 2016-present Faculty Interviewer, Vietnam Education Foundation (and VEF-2), Washington, D.C. 2015-present External Reviewer, Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong. 4. Gordon Erlebacher 28. Florida State University.