In 2008, all cities and towns in Boulder County adopted the Sustainable Energy Plan, which outlines 35 total recommended actions to reduce emissions from the energy sector. Dallas also completed municipal and community-wide greenhouse gas inventories for both 2005 and 2010. ... [PDF] have detailed climate action … Links to Regional Greenhouse Gas Inventory (PDF) (19pp, 770K, About PDF), Climate Action Plan (PDF) (84pp, 2.92M, About PDF), and Implementation Guide (PDF) (993pp, 4.2M, About PDF). In 2007, the City of Homer released their community-wide Climate Action Plan, the first CAP in Alaska. City-wide and municipal greenhouse gas inventories across multiple years are also available. Educating girls has a ripple effect of wonderful benefits. If you are in the US—or any other country where the government is actively trying to roll back regulations on refrigerants—call or write to your lawmakers in support of strict regulations and amplify your actions on social media. But if I eat less meat or take fewer flights, that’s just me – how much of a difference can that really … Trees provide firewood, animal fodder and other products that generate extra income. They also protect shade crops and villages from wind and sun. Needless to say, when the price of something is lower, people tend to buy more of it. The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) has undertaken an … The city has since published annual Sustainability Report Cards to track progress of climate mitigation activities across sectors, including buildings, energy, transportation, and waste. If there’s nothing local in your area, consider launching an awareness campaign in collaboration with your employer, school, or local market (start small and build). - As far as possible, avoid anything that may be a fire hazard. Outlined below are the five climate action challenges and examples of practical solutions to each challenge that you can take: Healthy energy systems can prevent dangerous effects from climate change. As a result, individual food waste has been reduced, and 95 percent of South Korea’s food waste is recycled. The plan outlines objectives, strategies, and targets for climate mitigation efforts for the government and broader community across a range of sectors. The city has met its commitment to a greenhouse gas emissions target for government operations of 7% below 1990 levels by 2012 under the U.S. Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement, and is continuing to reduce emissions at the target rate of 1% per year. “It is my future, it is the younger ones’ future, and it’s less the older ones’ future.” Isra … The goal of mitigation is to avoid significant human interference with the climate system, an… Philadelphia’s government and city-wide greenhouse gas inventories are also frequently updated. Some plans focus on government operations while others address community-wide emissions and impacts. The UN Sustainable Development Goal #13 is Climate Action: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Micro action: Volunteer for and support mentoring and tutoring programs in your area aimed at keeping girls in school. The CAP included government and community-wide greenhouse gas inventories, established the greenhouse gas reduction target of 20% by 2020 from a 2000 baseline, and identified mitigation and adaptation strategies. This report calls for imaginative ideas that the public can get behind to cut plastic waste, switch to renewable energy, and start planning a better future. Link to Boulder County’s Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Report (PDF) (20pp, 381K, About PDF), Greenhouse Gas Inventory (PDF) (172pp, 5.86M, About PDF), Sustainable Energy Plan, Climate Change Preparedness Plan (PDF) (159pp, 1.02M, About PDF), Environmental Sustainability PlanÂ. Los Angeles’ Climate Action Plan, GreenLA, was released in 2007 and established the community-wide greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal of 35% below 1990 levels by 2030. City of El Cerrito’s Population: 24,000 The City also used an EPA Climate Showcase Communities grant to implement a high-performance building district in downtown Seattle to reduce energy and water use and emissions. In restaurants, consider ordering smaller plates, and don’t be shy about taking leftovers home. Given that just 100 fossil fuel companies are responsible for generating 71 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, applying citizen pressure on governments to enact bold policies and vigorous enforcement is essential. Boulder County’s comprehensive sustainability plan was developed through multiple stages. Project Drawdown estimates that by protecting currently degraded land and allowing natural growth of tropical forests to occur on 161-231 million hectares, 54.5 to 85.1 gigatons of carbon dioxide could be sequestered by 2050. Link to Philadelphia’s Mayor’s Office of Sustainability Exit. Tackling Climate Change Goal 13 calls for urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. This action takes many forms, but it commonly includes developing a greenhouse gas inventory to understand sources of emissions, followed by creating a climate change action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for climate change impacts. While all of the plans focus on climate change mitigation (reducing greenhouse gas emissions), many of them also include climate change adaptation (preparing for and responding to the impacts of climate change). An amendment to the Montreal Protocol, called the Kigali Amendment, went into force in 2019 to reduce HFCs. Shortly after the release of the CAP, the city released an Implementation Strategy, designed to put Seattle’s plans into motion by creating short-term implementation goals to be implemented by 2015. The first plan established greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals of 25% by 2020 and 80% by 2050 for government operations and the subsequent update adopted the same emissions reduction targets for the community. For example, switching to low-carbon energy sources will not only improve air quality but provide additional opportunities for immediate health benefits, while facilitating sustainable and clean mobility (based on alternative fuels) and active transport options such as cycling, and walking not only will help increase physical activity, but also can help prevent diseases like diabetes, lung cancer and heart … Call your local recycling agency, or contact the EPA, to find out how to do that in your area. This document showcases a wide range of concrete examples over a decade of climate action spurred by the global Partners for Resilience (PfR) alliance. First a short note on terminology. You can find it under Repo Settings in your Code Climate project. Climate change is inevitable. Macro action: Governments around the world are setting targets, implementing new policies, and creating campaigns aimed at reducing food waste—and these strategies work. Climate change action plans have been enacted by 34 states and D.C. 21; 23 states and D.C. have GHG emission reduction targets. How is equity integrated in the Climate Action Plan? As an example, Inner West Council New South Wales, Australia, asked for community submissions to inform their Climate Change Plan, a ten-year vision for the organisation’s operations, services and responsibilities to the community. The cities each developed greenhouse gas inventories, adopted emission reduction targets, and held community workshops to identify mitigation strategies. As part of their efforts, the city has implemented unique initiatives, including the establishment of a revolving energy fund to reduce energy use in municipal buildings and the development of a guidebook for City employees to reduce energy use and waste in local government operations. See the positive change our work is making around the world. Micro action: Maybe this is obvious but stop wasting food! Once among Asia’s biggest food wasters, South Korea has made great strides in reducing waste through policy. City of El Cerrito’s Population: 24,000 This document showcases a wide range of concrete examples over a decade of climate action spurred by the global Partners for Resilience (PfR) alliance. If you’re feeling a bit anxious these days, you’re not alone. It is based on a multi-tiered prevention and intervention framework utilizing tools from both PBIS and Working Smarter. Global warming is causing long-lasting changes to our climate system, which threatens irreversible consequences if … The Compact was established to coordinate community-wide climate action across county lines and the plan establishes the region’s climate mitigation and adaptation goals and actions. Leading by Example. Prior to the 1987 Montreal Protocol, the substances used for refrigeration were ones that depleted the ozone layer, increasing our exposure to cancer-causing sun rays. Additional updates have included climate preparedness strategies and encouragement for community involvement in the City’s “Greenovate Boston” program, which is a sustainability initiative to help support climate action in the City’s neighborhoods. Education also helps women respond better to climate shocks. © Copyright 1987 - 2021, Rainforest Alliance. The Sustainability Plan established a community-wide greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal of 15% by 2015 and the city developed a Climate Action Plan in 2012 to identify the most cost-effective mitigation strategies to meet the target. Equity played an integral role in all phases of the 2015 Climate Action Plan, including an intentional community engagement process that included the City of San Pablo’s Population: 30,000. The City of Philadelphia’s Greenworks Philadelphia initiative includes both climate mitigation and adaptation targets, including a city-wide greenhouse gas reduction goal of 20% by 2015. Link to Tompkins County’s Energy and Climate Page Exit, City of Albany’s Population: 17,000 Link to El Paso’s Sustainability Plan and Report Cards Exit. Source (s): Red Cross / Red Crescent Climate Centre. If you have science skills, share them: Only 30 percent of the world’s researchers are women. Is a Plant-Based Diet the Key to Slowing Climate Change? An example outcome is a trajectory to the year 2195 of atmospheric greenhouse emissions and concentrations, sea level, and global average temperature. So one of the most powerful things you can do to fight climate change is to help empower groups working to fight climate change at a larger scale. The City of Grand Rapids produces annual progress reports on the implementation of its Sustainability Plan (FY2011-FY2015). Global Climate Action 2018 – Examples of Good Practice 5 moisture and stabilized soils. PfR aims to strengthen community resilience by integrating climate change adaptation and ecosystem management and … City of Piedmont’s Population: 11,000 Choose Rainforest Alliance Certified products, Use our conservation curricula in your classroom. For this reason, the 2015 Climate Action Plan used an equity lens that prioritized the needs of low-income communities and communities of color. Through EPA’s Climate Showcase Communities Program, Tompkins County documented how residential smart growth can be coupled with energy efficient residential development through the creation of the EcoVillage at Ithaca. There are so many vital reasons to protect forests, not least of all because they sequester carbon, thereby helping to slow climate change. Eat a plant-rich diet. The plan’s supporting documents include an implementation guide, a regional baseline greenhouse gas emissions inventory by county and sector, a unified sea level rise projection for the region, and an analysis of vulnerability to sea level rise. Link to Albany’s Climate Action Plan, El Cerrito’s Climate Action Plan, Piedmont’s Climate Action Plan (PDF) (160pp, 6.18M, About PDF), and San Pablo’s Climate Action Plan. The CAP focuses on emissions reduction through government action in the sectors of road transportation and land use, building energy, and waste, and also includes adaptation actions. Most local authorities are doing far too little on climate change and some are even making decisions that will increase emissions (e.g. Tompkins County is also a part of the broader Cleaner, Greener Southern Tier Regional Sustainability Plan and associated greenhouse gas inventory to facilitate regional sustainability decision-making. Macro action: Talk to your friends and neighbors about the importance of managing refrigerants—which is hardly common knowledge, even for those of us who are deeply concerned about climate. Links to Sustain Louisville and Climate Action page. The Sustainability Plan is updated annually and, going forward, will report on the implementation status of the disaster preparedness plan. Link to Mission’s Sustainability Commission and Documentation Exit. Link to Swinomish Climate Change Initiative Exit. The Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact developed a regional Climate Action Plan for Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe Counties in 2012. That’s a lot of waste, when you think of all the water, capital, labor, and land that goes into producing food—along with the greenhouse gases generated at every stage and then the methane released when food rots at the dump. A GitHub action that publishes your code coverage to Code Climate.. Usage. The city promoted the plan through media, partnerships, and community events through the EPA Climate Showcase Communities program and in partnership with the region’s sustainability alliance. Macro action: Work to stop government subsidies for the beef industry. - If you want to … With that in mind, here are the 5 most critical areas to transform (from the climate action bible Project Drawdown) along with our recommendations for actions you can take—on both the micro level and the macro one—to help slow the climate crisis. ), 95 percent of South Korea’s food waste is recycled. There are five key climate action challenges that will be addressed at the summit; and for each challenge, there are numerous solutions. In addition, the city completed a baseline government greenhouse gas inventory for 2009 and will update the inventory when 2013 data become available. It leads to better incomes and more independence for women. Micro action: Choose Rainforest Alliance Certified products for those essentials you can’t buy locally, such as coffee, bananas, tea, and chocolate. 5 Ways Farmers Are Fighting Climate Change, 10 Easy Ways Kids Can Help Save Rainforests, Given that just 100 fossil fuel companies are responsible for generating 71 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, They banned dumping food in landfill, and introduced compulsory food waste recycling using special biodegradable bags. The executive branch has the capability to adopt policies that will reduce GHG emissions—an important step given the extent of state-owned assets. codeclimate-action. The key is not over-buying, and the key to that is being organized. The Rainforest Alliance is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 13-3377893. (The cost of the bags encourages home composting.) The sustainability plan establishes multiple community-wide climate mitigation goals, including a transportation sector emissions reduction target of 20% by 2020. The UK-based organization Love Food Hate Waste has a plethora of good ideas on “compleating,” or ways to eat the complete contents f your fridge before it goes bad. Scientists have predicted that long-term effects of climate change will include a decrease in sea ice and an increase in permafrost thawing, an increase in heat waves and heavy precipitation, and decreased water resources in semi-arid regions. Not surprisingly, some of the deepest discrepancies exist in the poorest countries. The plan will be updated to include adaptation actions. For example, California is targeting emissions 40% below 1990 levels by 2030 and economy-wide carbon neutrality by 2045. By 2012, the City of Mission, Kansas had created a Climate Action Plan (CAP), a Sustainability Program and Initiatives Plan, and a scorecard to evaluate Mission’s progress towards the plans’ goals to improve the environment, community, and economy. Additionally, Baltimore is working on climate adaptation and approved a Disaster Preparedness Project and Plan in 2013. Link to Cincinnati’s Green Cincinnati Plan Exit. The most recent inventory indicated a 33% reduction of emissions from government operations from 1990 levels, driven by the purchase of renewable energy sources for government consumption and energy efficiency improvements in the power generation sector. Annual greenhouse gas inventories at both the municipal and community level are developed to track the city’s progress. Here’s a topic that’s near and dear to our hearts. The Action Plan also includes a section describing greenhouse gas mitigation activities that the tribal community has started to implement. Maternal and infant mortality is lower among educated women, and so is the incidence of HIV/AIDS. Will 2021 be Worse? Finally, the Environmental Sustainability Plan established a county-wide greenhouse gas reduction target of 40% by 2020 from a 2005 baseline and a carbon neutrality target for internal county operations by 2020. For more than 30 years, the Rainforest Alliance has worked to protect existing forests and restore degraded and deforested land. If you need extra incentive, check out this food footprint calculator, which shows you the climate footprint of everything from beer and beef to peas and pasta—all in terms even the most science-phobic can understand. The State of Nevada has myriad opportunities to lead by example on climate action. And if you’re buying a new fridge or air conditioner, look for ones that use natural refrigerants, such as propane and ammonium. The best prescription for anxiety, of course, is action—but when it comes to something as enormous and complex as climate change, it can be difficult to know where to focus your efforts. If cattle were their own nation, they would be the world’s third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, according to Project Drawdown. Our approach is to work with local and Indigenous people to cultivate sustainable livelihoods—those that respect their cultural values, allow them to support their families, and bolster their capacity to protect their land. These examples represent communities across the country of various sizes and jurisdictions. Engaging in climate change at a collective level can also be socially and personally rewarding. Sustain Louisville also includes a focus on city-wide adaptation and resilience, including the development of a comprehensive urban heat island assessment and heat management plan. Dedicated Resources. Links to Baltimore’s Inventory (PDF) (16pp, 282K, About PDF), Sustainability Plan, Climate Action Plan, and Disaster Preparedness Project and Plan. But this is major worldwide action on climate change, so it won’t be easy. Goal 13: Climate action. The City also releases annual updates to its municipal greenhouse gas inventory. The CAP was based on the work and recommendations of the City’s appointed advisory groups, as well as public input. 22 Globally, you can support programs to educate girls in countries where schooling is a financial burden to parents. Climate action: Examples from the Red Cross Red Crescent and partners. The Louisville Metro Government released Sustain Louisville in 2013. Do individual lifestyle changes really make a difference, or should you shoot for higher-level climate action, such as pushing governments and companies to transform policies and practices? Not only is this the right thing to do, it is better for climate: Numerous studies show that Indigenous people are the most effective forest guardians, and we need their leadership now more than ever. The next step is to implement the plan’s actions, providing updates on progress and revising the plan as needed. Link to Boston's Climate Action Plan Exit. A baseline government and community greenhouse gas inventory is also available. Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. ... Click here to subscribe to our climate action newsletter. In 2008, the City of Baltimore released a baseline government and community emissions inventory, as well as a Sustainability Plan. If cattle were their own nation, they would be the world’s third-largest emitter of … Effective climate action plans require that residents, public officials, businesses and other stakeholders cultivate trusting working relationships with one another. Learn More. Tompkins County has multiple initiatives and plans to help reach their community-wide emissions reduction target of 20% by 2020 from the 1998 baseline. The Seattle Climate Action Plan was adopted in 2013 and established a target of carbon neutrality of government operations by 2050. Our climate action plan will build on our past progress and use the campus to confront the difficult questions posed by climate change and test promising new solutions that move Harvard, and the world, away from fossil fuels. Link to Los Angeles’ GreenLA (PDF) (29pp, 132K, About PDF) and ClimateLA (PDF) (151pp, 653K, About PDF). (It’s also good for rainforests, which are routinely destroyed to create pasture for livestock agriculture.). The partnership helped facilitate information sharing and streamlined their separate planning processes. Link to Los Angeles’ GreenLA (PDF) (29pp, 132K, About PDF) and ClimateLA (PDF) (151pp, 653K,) About PDF). The city also developed ClimateLA, a living document that provides detailed information about implementation of each action item in GreenLA. One significant obstacle is the United States’ federal government’s continued efforts to undermine climate and conservation activities, including an announcement to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Learn more, There are many ways you can protect rainforests, fight climate change, and help people and wildlife thrive. Boston’s original Climate Action Plan was released in 2007 and is updated every three years based on recommendations from advisory committees and public input. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Boston’s municipal emissions for FY05-FY13, City of Eugene’s Community Climate and Energy Action Plan, Before and after images of flooding in downtown Grand Rapids, Louisville surface temperatures by neighborhoods, Results from Philadelphia’s 2014 building energy benchmarking report, Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact’s greenhouse gas inventory, Swinomish Indian Tribal Community’s Climate Adaptation Action Plan, Climate and Energy Resources for State, Local and Tribal Governments, Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact Partner Counties, Cities of Albany, El Cerrito, Piedmont, and San Pablo, EPA’s Climate Showcase Communities Program, Link to Eugene’s Climate Action Plan Documentation, Link to Grand Rapid’s Sustainability Plans and Reports page, Link to Mission’s Sustainability Commission and Documentation, Link to Philadelphia’s Mayor’s Office of Sustainability, Link to Tompkins County’s Energy and Climate Page, • Pursuing multiple initiatives and plans to achieve target, • Includes focus on city-wide adaptation and resilience, • Coordinates climate action across four counties, • Releases annual Sustainability Report Cards, • Developed multiple plans, including scorecard to evaluate progress, • Adopted by all cities and towns in the county, • Collaborated to develop individual plans, • Developed detailed information about implementation, • Established carbon neutrality target for government operations. 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