We will continue to be listeners and supporters for years to come.” - Sue, "I just arrived from the Philippines and listening to your radio station makes me feel so comfortable in staying here. - Phoebe, “When it comes to raising everyone’s spirits in Ottawa, CHRI takes the cake!” - Jennifer, "Whenever I come into town the first thing I do is tune to 99.1 FM! - Sam, "Thanks for being on every listening device that I own!" The home of Instagram on Virgin Radio UK available on on DAB digital radio, online and mobile 24/7. - Joel, "Thank you for all that you each do to promote God’s word across the Nation’s Capital and surrounding region. We can't tell you enough how much we love your station! - John, "CHRI is a very , very special place! - Jillian, "I absolutely love your radio station. - Anne, "Hearing certain songs always reminds me of certain friends which keeps me in prayer for them. It's a wonderful, uplifting radio station in a world of such sorrows." "Not so average." - Manon, "I want to say that I so love and appreciate your radio station. At city events, church events, concerts, and other outreach opportunities, you’ll get to: - represent CHRI Radio at events - hang out with the CHRI Team and be part of what this ministry is doing - Connect with the community I'm honoured to be played on CHRI! - Judy, "Thank you for all the wonderful programming, inspiring music and uplifting messages, you have made such a difference in my life. CHRI Radio - Music for today's family. - Judy, "You will never know just how much we appreciate all you do for us. You cover all age groups: children, adults, parents. Keep up the good work!" - Harry, "CHRI thank you so much for your kindness this morning when we dropped off our pjs. Great job young lady. - Rachelle, "Check it out, something for everyone's taste in music for the whole family!! Music, showbiz, chat and much, much more. The variety that was such an integral part of the first few years has expanded and provided so much encouragement to so many! They all mesh together perfectly. Now I can always turn CHRI on in the car going home... and we listen to Joyce as often as we're in the car at that time, so it's almost like going to church every day.." - Carol, "Thanks for the uplifting music you play. - Jon, "Thank you for the great music; I listen on my way to work and sometimes on my computer." The amazing part is that after bringing the headset to work I realized that after set... "Thanks for all the great things that you all do. - Isabelle, Thank you for the SENS tickets! I am a daily listener. So a GARGANTUOUS thank you (that’s as big as I can think of) to all of you who put this FANTASTIC event together and took your day to entertain and host everyone." - Lucy, "I just want to say thanks for playing the songs you do and allowing others to suggest songs as well. I contracted Covid in January at work and have be... "Thank you for believing in us and backing the work we are doing. Facebook friend, too! Your gift is 100% tax receiptable. When I relocated, I was disappointed I could no longer listen to my favorite Christian radio station until last week, God is good" - Robyn, "Thanks to the whole CHRI team for providing non-stop encouraging radio. My husband and I were able to go with another couple, that we got to bless because of your generosity! Thanks for the tickets. Chris has 10 jobs listed on their profile. Thanks Ashlyn for all your efforts. My life is richly blessed and your ministry of music and teaching/preaching shows keeps my spirit soaring!! The only times I don't listen is Sunday/Saturday evenings, and sometimes during the teaching shows, oh and when I'm driving downtown/parkades. He works and speaks through the music played. May God bless you for sharing the great news of the Gospel." FM Radio: Tune your FM radio to 99.1 FM in Ottawa, 88.1 FM in Cornwall or 100.7 FM in Pembroke. What a light and hope you give to listeners! It's a radio station that I can rely on to be clean and family friendly. Each note brings glory to God and I love being in a city that offers hope through a radio station... A true rarity across the airwaves." God Bless and walk in the Truth." – Nancy, "I heard your voice [Care] earlier and I felt energized as always while listening to you during my hour commute home." It all gives me a real lift throughout the day." I knew about it before but never looked seriously into it... Not that I don’t like Christian music, but had a terrible crisis recently and I’m reaching out to various sources for help and love. 520 were here. - Karl, "One of my favourite things about moving to the Capital Region is being able to listen to a good quality and family-oriented radio station like yours." Look for recent songs played (go back up to 1 week), Complete program schedule at your fingertips, Quick dial for contests and requesting songs, Google Maps and OCtranspo travel planner pre-set with CHRI studios as destination for easy navigation, CHRI Family Radio. Thank you to all of you who are faithfully carrying out the Will of God through Christian Radio." - Sheila, "So thankful for the gift of CHRI in my life. Blessings to you." It has a good Saturday program for kids. It gives me the right focus each day. ...we'll be listening online! - Elissa, "Thank you for being used this morning by the Lord to bless me and my son for the Promise Keepers tickets. - Deeana, "Thank you for providing Christian worship music as I exercise each morning! - Karen, "Thank you for playing the best music ANYWHERE day after day! We are truly, truly blessed." - Henri, "I really love Focus On the Family. When other mediums fail, music and worship sometimes have a way of reaching the soul." We've now been in the Ottawa area for 20 years and searched for a Christian radio station when we first arrived. One morning I was listening to CHRI 99.1 and they said that you wou... "Your team did amazingly well in promoting the Breakfast and appearing bright and beautiful on Friday morning the 26th. Have been listening to it exclusively ever since. Thanks to all the staff members who are all doing a good work especially in this time of the Covid-19 virus. - Thérèse, "I want to thank CHRI for the great opportunity the station gave my husband and I with the win of the ski weekend at Calabogie Peaks. I haven't cried that hard in a long time. - Marie, "I love this station doesn't compare with any other! God is good, thank you." You are a great blessing." "Just want to encourage you with your ministry at CHRI. - Christina, "Family Radio is what it calls itself. Listen to the best Christian music online. The music and programming are great!" This radio station is truly a blessing to me" - Prea, "I love to listen to this Christian radio station. But through all of this, we can be comforted by CHRI, through the inspirational programs and speakers and with various song segments." God Bless you and yours!! The combination of hits, classics, teaching and talk really feeds me when I am home and helps me refocus on Jesus' face." - Robert, "CHRI really blesses me and my family and I would like you to know that a great job is being done by all there. I recently put a radio in the kitchen since COVID has restricted driving and I’ve been listening to CHRI everyday especially during my one hour lunch break (I’m working from home). It was awesome. Live stream plus station schedule and song playlist. - Martin, "I have been the road manager for the past while for Starfield, and I just wanted to thank you guys for having such a great radio station here in the city. Myself and son always look forward to listen to these incredible artists. CHRI has become my warm companion as I am ... "CHRI is the only station I listen to! It amazes me (even though it should not) how GOD continues to move in this ministry. "My husband and I have 2 kids and both of them have special needs. - Moulton, "God has used your ministry through my cancer journey as often the right verse, testimony or song is on air just as I need it." A friend feels rejected. I know each of you by voice so I'll be walking around heaven with my eyes closed for a bit." We are glad to have CHRI and we've been blessed by you all, if only you knew how much." The songs are such a blessing, so keep on being a soldier for the Lord!" - Nancy, I just want to thank you [Care] for playing on-point music tonight. - Gary (North Bay), "I have been blessed by Ravi’s ministry on almost a daily basis Thank you! We thank God for you and your team." I deeply appreciate the chance to listen to these poignant, illuminating discussions at the end of my workday. - Julie, "Thank you for constantly broadcasting the message of truth in our community! I now have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ" - Marc, "We would like to thank you for a wonderful family trip at RIVER RUN RAFTING... first time in 10 years my brothers and their spouses got together. 557 were here. Choose from gospel, classic, rock, and contemporary Christian radio channels with unlimited skips. GOD bless you!!" I always enjoy listening!" Thank you for a well needed break for both of us." You bring so many blessings into my life! We were very encouraged to hear our event advertised on your station and to have your support." - Debbie, "I love your guys radio, and whenever I'm driving its always locked on 99.1", "Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your station and love hearing those cool songs praising our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!" CHRI Shop Welcome to the CHRI Shopping experience! I have been listening to you for at least 4 years every day or so." CHRI music is the 1st thing turned on in the morning and the last thing at night even at the trailer. - Joanne, "There is no other program that has something for everyone, from adults to kids, like CHRI", "I have started to listen to CHRI at work and it has been such a blessing in my life." - Lab, "CHRI has helped lead me to find Christ and become a born again Christian. Congrats everyone! - Sarah, "Thanks for being the blessing you are for my days that I work I usually am gone a minimum of 12 hours a day and for 4 of those hours CHRI's ministry impacts my life and who I am in the Lord.. I've only been a Christian for 3 years and I get a lot of value listening to CHRI throughout the day." – Daniella, "Thanks for the prize CHRI! So real, so informative and educational not forgetting spiritual." I just went and gave the family I wrote about a bag of goodies- thank you so much for doing that contest every year." Thank you for inviting me in to meet everyone and may God continue to guide where CHRI is going." The main transmitter is located in Greely, Osgoode Township on Chris Tierney Private. - Gwen, "Loving this channel so very much. From Weddings to Private Parties to athletic events for the University of Maryland, Chris Styles is one of the most versatile DJ’s in the DMV. - David, "I have been listening to CHRI since our family moved to Ottawa 10 years ago. Radio Helping You Connect with Faith, Family & Friends! - Deb. - Cee, "I love CHRI as a radio station - most of all because of the staff - each of you are such a tremendous blessing to the church and to our city!! - Naomi, "Thank you to the CHRI family for giving the tour of the station today. Replay Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Jonathan Gibson. Privacy Policy - Jil, "It is lovely to listen online and be encouraged whenever I need. Thank you so much for helping me deal with difficult situations in the last year through this beautiful and inspiring music." Glad to hear it! - Lucie, "Your station has impacted my life with wonderful messages from your daily devotional hours in the afternoon, to Focus on the Family, to health and financial fitness. I've been hearing the announcers so often that I've had dreams with Brock, Care and Ashlyn in them (sorry Dan). You guys are awesome! Marie." - Shanda, "I want to thank the people at CHRI that remain courageous enough to broadcast the Truth. Kids are super observant! CHRI has been a great part of my Christian life." I especially like the various afternoon Bible teachings." You guys seem to just go that extra mile that make it so much easier for artists like them." Love the contests and especially look forward to your Newsletter." when the streaming is working well :-) " - Carolyn, "Happy World Radio Day! - Lorraine, "Thank you for the work you guys do. - Iain, "I heard him speak at OBC back in the day. - Joanne (re: Joyce Meyer show), "A big thank you goes out to Brock Tozer and the entire CHRI family and all my supporters in Ottawa, Canada and beyond." I ... "Your station has really been a blessing to my house for more than a year. It has really helped to relieve the stress from work and inspire me more spiritually. Your blessings have helped to save our marriage, set us financially straight and led us to our new, less complicated, downsized lifestyle. Keep up the great work in blessing all who listen to CHRI" - Teena, "Just a quick note to say what a great email [eMagazine] that CHRI sent out today... full of great content! - Bonnie, "God bless you CHRI! - Nancy, "Ravi has often changed my way of thinking when it comes to Christianity. I work in the health industry and the fire walls don't allow me to listen to the radio on line. I never turn you off; I go to sleep listening and I wake up to you. - Gerry Organ (Civic Prayer Breakfast), "This radio station has been very instrumental in my walk with Christ! - Isaac, "Thank you for all you do! Bravo!" He is certainly a light in a dark world." I love that there is no negative news reports, or Covid or world crises... CHRI is simple, easy to listen to, all about the goodness of God." - Sarah, "I always look forward to the times the most between 1-3pm when the different pastors share. I love the wonderful music that you play, but most of all, I have enjoyed meeting a few of the staff and you are all down to earth people and easy and fun to talk with." Thank you for being there." Ottawa will be blessed by his teaching." - Kristy, "I love listening to CHRI all through the work day; all of you at the station are a blessing. I love how all the music you play is Christian and different varieties, country, pop etc. I had missed my extra hour of CHRI every morning. Your station is always full of hope! - Gus, "Thanks for all the difference you make, and thanks for giving away free cake!" - Brent. At night, the music is on very low near by when I sleep and I plan my day so I don't miss a Bible message. Even my wife and i love it! I listen to you while commuting 50 minutes morning and night. One of the songs that lift my mood is definitely 'My Lighthouse' by Rend Collective. I have only been listening for a short time but it hasn’t taken me long to figure out what the hype is about. This station is so very, very important. - Mercedes, "We truly do appreciate everything CHRI does and the difference it has made (and continues to make) in so many lives." The lyrics to the songs have been such an encouragement. GOD was blessed indeed." God bless you and your families!" Love your station and the music you play. SO THANK YOU!" -Clémence, "Hey CHRI team. I know if it wasn't for the songs I hear on your station I'd be in a very dark place right now. Thank you.” – Barbara, "You guys are a blessing to many of us who find inner peace and a closeness with God whether driving, doing the dishes or even crying." Uncompromising and timely sermons from pastors like John MAcArthur are so greatly appreciated. A wonderful blessings to experience and to remind us how important family is too us! - Christine, "Thanks Care, for being a blessing on the air, so used to your voice when I'm driving home from work. Please continue to share the blessings, because "people need someone". I always like to turn the radio to your station for both worship and peace and it is a safe place. Here are some ways you can bring Contagious Encouragement and listen to your favourite music wherever you go. - Patricia, "Listening to CHRI has changed my way in God, I have become more visible to see God throughout my day! Big fan of the whole team at CHRI!" If you have any questions on how to listen to CHRI, don't hesitate to contact us. 613-247-1440 © Family Radio CHRI 99.1FM, Powered by StriveMind. Brock is my "alarm clock", Dan is my "midday rock" and Care is my "wind-down gal-pal". I just LOVE your station, what you stand for, who you work for, how you serve our city... it's just fantastic. I really appreciate your ministry and presence in this city!" Great announcers and great content!”- Renate, "Thanks again for your continued work in blessing Ottawa." "- Charles, "Thank you, CHRI! I was provided with daily inspiration, and confirmation that I was heading down the right path." - Charmaine, "I only listen to CHRI. - Serge, "He is worthy--- and worthy of continued praise on the airwaves at CHRI! I turned on the radio and there you were! I had the station on, and don’t remember who was talking about the book: Convicted: A Crooked Cop, an Innocent Man, and an Unlikely Journey of Forgiveness and Friendship, but it sounded so interesting, I got it from the library. – Sonya, "I am so glad I found your station. Sorry, I’m not sure of the spelling of Ashlyn’s name. - Marie, "CHRI beautifully brings the Christian community together. - Marilyn, "Ravi, I have listened to you on CHRI radio for years now and your teaching has changed my life and has definitely driven me to the foot of the cross. - Stevens Family, "[Kathy] May God continue to bless you as am truly being inspired by your program. I am reminded of the phrase on CHRI "We are different, but in a good way". I cannot say enough.. " - Susan, "Thanks for 'Love Does' from Brandon Heath at 4:16 AM this morning!" Jesus definitely likes me listening to this station and he has shown me in many ways.” – Madelene, "Keep up the good work I listen daily at my desk. I had always felt it set the tone for my day. 164 Followers, 28 Following, 51 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from CHRI (@chri_org) I hope God continues using you to bless listeners of CHRI." - Scott, "Thank you for all you do, for your ministry, that has truly been a blessing to me…many times." - Ruth, "I love starting my day with Christian music; it gives me a positive attitude to start my day at work." My family calls it my 'Jesus Station' and it is sooooo true, it's almost 24/7 of Jesus talking to me in a form that He knows I will understand. - Carolyn, "I try to listen every day, even at work. My family has been impacted and benefited from so many of your programs." - Daniel, "I just checked out your new playlist; it's awesome!!! - John, "Love the radio station - listen to it all the time. 536 were here. You guys at CHRI are a real family. I love it - won't like my work without it. Being mandated to work from home, I had the pleasure to listen to you online all of last week (through the chri.ca and listen online link). May your ministry be blessed abundantly. - Wedny Turpin (CityKidz Ottawa), "Brock, I love your show and hope you are doing well. Easter At The Shining Rose with Brian Doerksen & Friends. I could not cope until I discovered your station. My wife and i have been listeners for several years now and we enjoy his messages very much. Family Radio CHRI, FM 99.1, Ottawa, ON. - Maureen, "You people are saving my life since 2008. - Katherine, "I listen to you [Brock] in the morning on the way to work and to Care on the way home from work. - Heather & Henry, "My husband and I are new listeners to your show and we are so surprised that such a radio station exists! - Augustine. - Marjolaine, "Thanks to everyone at CHRI for doing such a great job of bringing the Word of God to the Ottawa and surrounding areas." - Louise, "About 6 years ago my radio somehow ended up on CHRI and I hadn't noticed. God Bless CHRI and the team of people making it work." – Natalie, "Your work is very much appreciated. Your station keeps me focused on God and Jesus. - Twilight, "I am a truck driver and have CHRI on all day, and I'm thankful to have the encouraging words and Christian music get me through my day. Get it FREE from the following App stores by selecting one of the following links, scanning the QR code, or visiting chri.ca/app from your device. I'm writing because I wanted to share a memory with you. Praise the Lord. - Titi, "May God continue to bless CHRI and all those associated with such a wonderful radio station. You know, I receive a radio survey booklet every year so that I can journal my radio-listening habits - of course I listen to CHRI all the time, so.... that's good, right. " We are moving to Peterborough to live with our family so we will greatly miss CHRI in the car and house." You have an amazing & blessed ministry!" So thank you for being a joyful, encouraging presence in my home and car, and for expressing God's love and care during a vulnerable time." - André, "Thank you for your contests! I usually listen to it all day, even in the car! - Ruth, "You guys...CHRI... are SO wonderful. I enjoy listening to the messages of hope and all the good things you guys are doing." - Rebecca, "Thanks for taking the stand on CHRI for our Lord...our world needs HIM not a hi-def television." I'm glad to be part of this." I know I am the Christian that I am today as a result of your music and message that has touched my heart and encouraged me to grow. I’m hooked!" "I enjoy listening to Ravi's brilliant show on CHRI." God has blessed you with a precious gift Care. - Cory, "God bless you guys at Family Radio. When visiting CHRI.ca, click on the "Listen Online" button to listen to a live stream. I love your station!" And I really was blessed by all the encouraging words everyone shared in this giveaway post! - Gwen. He has helped me grow in my faith. I have been listening for years and CHRI has helped get me through some really rough times through different songs, Joyce Meyer, Focus On The Family etc." - Karl, “CHRI inspires me so much that I've returned back to listen to my old Christian music in my library such as All Sons and Daughters and Hillsong.” – Julie, "CHRI radio was on 24 hours a day in our home for about five plus years. - Catherine, "Never knew this station existed until last week very early one morning on my way to work, I was scrolling through stations. Keep up the good work because you're reaching a lot of people and turning their hearts towards God. Great variety. - Tristan, "I find it is very important that my 3 year old son understands and knows that Jesus loves him with all his heart, and through your music, I know he is learning that every day. Thanks Lydia for the home delivery. I live close to London Ontario and listen to you everyday" I look forward to the time when we all can see you and the CHRI team out and about in our city again soon! The music is so awesome! Keep up the good tunes and may Jesus walk with us today and everyday." - Maureen, "May God bless your Ministry that I am addicted to! - Doug Torrance, "We have really enjoyed listening to your [Care] program every afternoon during the drive home from their school in Limoges. - Melanie, "Thanks for making the song data available to display on my car radio, it is nice to see who wrote what and what a song is called". Our longing to be together will be deferred a little longer as we continue to struggle with all the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic.Click here for tickets (unlimited streaming until Easter Monday). - Faith, "Just wanted to say 'thank you' again for all you (Brock) and CHRI do. ", "I am just loving the Saturday night show [On Air with Manafest]! 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